5.2 Limitation and Exclusion of Liability
5.2.1 You understand and agree that in no event shall we be liable for any of the following events:
5.2.3 loss of revenue;
5.2.4 loss of trading profits or loss of contracts;
5.2.5 business interruption
5.2.6 loss of anticipated monetary loss
5.2.7 loss of information
5.2.8 loss of opportunity, damage to goodwill or reputation
5.2.9 damage to or loss of data
5.2.10 the cost of purchasing alternative products or services
5.3.1 any indirect, special or incidental loss or damage arising out of any tort (including negligence), breach of contract or any other cause, whether or not such loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable by us and whether or not we would have been given prior notice of the possibility of such loss or damage
5.3.2 You understand and agree that we shall not be liable for any damage caused by any of the following events:
5.3.3 where we have reasonable grounds to believe that your particular transaction may involve a serious breach of law or an infringement of the law or the Agreement
5.3.4 where we have reasonable grounds to believe that your conduct on the Site is suspected of being illegal or unethical
5.3.5 the costs and losses arising from the purchase of or access to any data, information or transactions etc. through the services provided on this website
5.3.6 your misunderstanding of the services provided on this website;
5.3.7 any other loss in connection with the services provided on this website that cannot be attributed to us.
5.3.8 our inability to provide the services or delay in providing the services due to information network equipment maintenance, information network connection failure, computer, communication or other system failure, power failure, weather conditions, accident, labor action, labor dispute, insurrection, uprising, riot, lack of productivity or production materials, fire, flood, storm, explosion, war, failure of banks or other partners, the collapse of the digital asset market, action by governmental, judicial or administrative authorities, other acts beyond our control or beyond our control, or other failure to provide the Services or delay in providing the Services due to third parties, we are not responsible for, or for losses you may suffer as a result of, such failure or delay.
5.3.9 We cannot guarantee that all information, programs, text, etc. contained in this website are completely secure and free from interference and damage by any viruses, Trojan horses and other malicious programs, therefore, your access to the website or use of any services provided by this website, the download of any programs, information and data from this website and your use thereof is your personal decision, and therefore you shall bear any and all risks and losses that may arise. We make no warranties or undertakings whatsoever with respect to any information, products and operations of any third party websites linked to the Site, or any other form of content that does not belong to us; your use of any services, information and products provided by third party websites is your personal decision and you therefore assume any and all liability arising therefrom.
5.3.10 We make no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from errors or omissions, consistency, accuracy, reliability, and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to your use of the services provided on this website. In addition, we make no promises or guarantees as to the validity, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, completeness, or timeliness of the technology and information covered by the services provided on this website. Whether to access this website or use the services provided by this website is your personal decision, and all risks and possible losses arising therefrom shall be borne by you. We do not make any express or implied warranties to the market regarding the value and price of digital assets; you understand and acknowledge that the market for digital assets is unstable and that the price and value of assets may fluctuate or collapse at any time, and that trading in digital assets is based on your individual free will and decision, and therefore you shall bear any and all risks and losses that may arise therefrom.
5.4.1 The warranties and undertakings set forth in this Agreement are our sole warranties and representations with respect to the services we provide under this Agreement and through the Site and supersede any and all warranties and undertakings arising under any other agreement. manner and means, whether written or literal, express or implied. All such warranties and representations represent only our own promises and commitments and do not guarantee compliance by any third party with the warranties and commitments contained in this Agreement.
5.4.2 We do not waive any rights not mentioned in this Agreement and limit, exclude or set off our liability for damages to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
5.4.3 When you register for an account on the Site, you are deemed to agree to any and all operations that we may perform in accordance with the rules set forth in this Agreement, and any and all risks arising therefrom shall be borne by you.